Welcome to my corner of the web! 🎩✨

  • I’m Suyash Salvi, a Computer Science & Engineering graduate with an eye for detail and a passion for weaving magic through code. ✨🎩
  • You can find my technical skills and more in the CV section. 💻📄
  • Having traversed the landscapes of Santa Clara, CA, and Mumbai, India, 🌏 I’ve cultivated a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and experiences.
  • While beyond the realms of technology, I find joy in activities such as hitting the gym 💪, dancing to the rhythm of life 💃, strumming melodies on my guitar 🎸, diving into the depths of spirituality 🧘‍♂️, and getting lost in the pages of a good book 📚.

Let’s Connect! 🌐

Drop me a line at +1(408)-640-8664 or shoot me an email at ssalvi@scu.edu. You can also find me on LinkedIn and GitHub, where I’m always up for a chat or a collaborative venture. Step into my world, where technology meets innovation, and let’s craft something extraordinary together! 🌟